Monday, August 9, 2010

Shadow's Last Rows of Summer

After Sunday morning coffee and breakfast with a friend, we decided to take one of our usual jaunts around the back alleys in the city. A digestive drive enjoying the visual hidden treasures.

The title of today's blog came from this view as we were passing through the neighborhood. It was my friend's quote: "Shadow's Last Rows of Summer." Too lovely to pass up. My feature presentation of the day.

Kitty avoiding the Paparazzi 

The Heirloom tomatoes are coming along. I've figured by the time you calculate all the time, passion, and sweat, the estimated price would be at least $ 500.00 dollars a tomato. The passion of growing these must not be denied, at least for now.

A few happy results. Top left: Henderson's Pink Ponderosa. Top right:"Charlie's" Mortgage Lifter. Bottom two: Copia's

And of coarse, a beautiful climbing "Moon Fleur," mixed with some Morning Glories. This is a huge flower, and was worth the wait. Everyone knows this stuff can take over like "Kudzu," if you let it. Started everything this year mostly by seed, and this was one of them. Did I mention that my flowers on the trellis are exceeding 15 feet? Yep, it's true. I got lucky  and have a friend who has tons and tons of very tall Bamboo for them to grow up on.

These flowers demand the climb. And this creative project I'm letting take off. I love creating monsters. The neighbors are enjoying the process of this creative joke, and it's not too out of hand, rather lovely actually. This has created some serious yard privacy

Another child started by seed is the "Velvet Queen," except this doesn't seem to have as much brown, as I thought it would. When this started to take off, it broke from the roots. I promptly dipped the stem in hormone powder; a trick I learned from a neighbor, and look what happened. Voila!
A very nice surprise indeed.

So during the Summer's repose during the wee parts of dusk. I can be found hidden within my santuary with a bottle of red wine, a very good cigar, and in my jammies. And the neighbors aren't bothered by it at all. In fact they sometimes come over and join me.

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